Common Myna or Indian myna (Acridotheres tristis), sometimes spelled Mynah, is a bird in the family Sturnidae, native to Asia.
It is a black and brown bird with white wing patches, yellow bill and yellow legs. A tropical open woodland bird with a territorial instinct. They are gregarious and often found in noisy flocks. Its flexible adaptive methods, engaging easily to human habitation, attributes to the ever increasing Myna population. They are omnivorous and active pollinators who consume all kinds of fruits and help in seed dispersal.
In the campus they are often found hopping around the small plants near the play area and the grass patch near the reception, eating grasshoppers and small insects. Mynas are fond of arguing with each other. The evenings are filled with their squawking, screeching, chirping and whistling as they hop and fly in swift short movements sink in harmony with our students behaviour.