Be it a celebration or any festivity, we enjoy every bit of…
The Wonderful World of Butterflies
A butterfly goes where it pleases, and pleases where it goes, like…
Custard Apple – K’sirs Tree Talk
Herbal remedies have been used from time immemorial for the treatment and…
Black-Rumped Flameback
School is closing down for the summer vacation and it was our…
Oroxylum indicum – K’sirs Tree Talk
Oroxylum indicum is a tree native to the Indian subcontinent. Commonly found…
Fruit bats
Fruit bats are any of the numerous tropical bat species that belong…
Mimusops elengi – K’sirs Tree Talk
Mimusops elengi also known as Spanish cherry, Medlar, Bullet wood, or Magizha…
Carica papaya – K’sirs Tree Talk
Ever wonder how papaya trees are so helpful for the world? Ever…
Papilio polymnestor
The Papilio polymnestor is a butterfly species exclusively sighted in regions of…
Enterolobium cyclocarpum – K’sirs Tree Talk
Enterolobium cyclocarpum commonly called as Guanacaste, elephant-ear tree, monkey-ear tree and caro…