The Spotted Owlet, scientifically known as Athene brama, is a small owl found in tropical Asia, ranging from mainland India to Southeast Asia. Although they are common inhabitants of open habitats such as farmlands, they have adapted to urban environments as well. Spotted Owlets nest in small groups within tree hollows, rock cavities, and building cavities.
It is a small bird with deep golden-yellow eyes, prominent curved white eyebrows and a round head. Also known as the spotted little owl has grayish-brown feathers with notable white spots, and its underparts are white with brown bars. They prey on a variety of creatures, including insects like beetles and moths, as well as lizards, small mammals, and some small birds.
Generally roosts during the day in a tree hole or on a branch it utters a loud “chirurr, chirurr, chirurr” laugh in addition to a variety of high pitched squeals and whistles. When sighted during the daytime, they usually bob their heads at intruders. Despite their long life span of up to 16–17 years in the wild, Spotted Owlets have a low rate of reproductive success.