
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.

Top Science News

Enterolobium cyclocarpum – K’sirs Tree Talk

Enterolobium cyclocarpum commonly called as Guanacaste, elephant-ear tree, monkey-ear tree and caro caro. Guanacaste belongs to Plantae kingdom and Fabaceae

Charubala S.V Charubala S.V May 27, 2023

Red-vented Bulbul

The Red-vented Bulbul, செங்குதக் கொண்டைக்குருவி also known as Pycnonotus cafer, is a medium-sized passerine songbird. They can be easily recognized

Kavya K Kavya K March 20, 2023

Pongamia pinnata – K’sirs Tree Talk

Pongamia pinnata, commonly known as Indian beech or “Pungai maram” in Tamil, is native to the regions of tropical Asia

Mathimalar Manisundar Mathimalar Manisundar March 11, 2023
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