Latest Language News
Digital photography: blessing or curse?
Over the last century, the quality of technology has developed rapidly, with…
Formula one Racing
You may have seen ‘F1’ or Formula 1’ racing EVERYWHERE over the…
Here we are again
Through the empty corridors, the unopened doors, and the silent floors I…
Belittling physical attributes
'Body shaming' is a topic you probably have heard repeatedly...but the question…
Our second family
"Err...I hate school." That was pretty much what I heard myself say…
Snap or scrap?
Is mobile phone photography a boon or a vile malediction? While it…
Being lazy is neither a “talent” nor a “gift”.If you binge watch…
See who wins
I saw them fight.. "The sun is not what I want, Because…
History of English Literature
Over a course of 1400 years, the English language has evolved to…
Literature created from the imagination and not presented as fact, though it…