‘Body shaming’ is a topic you probably have heard repeatedly…but the question is, do you still see it happening? I know the answer is yes. Body shaming isn’t limited to weight but also shape, complexion, makeup, size, body hair, food intake, attractiveness and even age. All these categories top the list for the destruction of confidence.
Most of you would have faced criticism for your looks at least once before. Tell me, how many times have you looked into the mirror and casually criticised your appearance? Despite all the awareness, numerous comments are unintentionally made. So this is a reminder…a reminder to look around you and hear yourself out as well. According to NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association), in the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some point in their timeline, and this is just in one place. Just imagine the population affected worldwide. If the population diagnosed is such a high percentage, what about the percentage that’s still undiagnosed?
Around 65% of the affected point out bullying as the core reason for their disorder, and all this bullying is an overfilled cloud of rude comments to do with body shaming. Indeed, body shaming can ruin self-esteem and mental health, but it could also result in numerous complications like body dysmorphic disorder, high blood pressure, heart disease, anorexia, and bulimia nervosa at a young age. These easily tossed words said to children could linger in their thoughts throughout their adult life. It would be a milestone to abolish this within every new flight you take, but maybe we can start with school and make this a safe place. An environment where everyone can just be themselves without questioning their self-worth, truly.