Body images
Eating disorders, body image issues, and low self-esteem problems are not uncommon in the society we live in today. With celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner setting unrealistically…
The Mystical Owls of K’sirs ft. a Barn Owl Visitor
Owls have made frequent appearances at K’sirs. I recall my first encounter with an owl — or rather, two young Indian Eagle Owls — back in 2018. The two owlets…
Avian Adventure (final part)
It’s goodbye to our dear owl Tweety, which is how the students call it, has now gotten bigger and looks more mature and fully developed physically. It is just over…
Avian Adventure
(One fine day) It was a regular day in K’sirs when two baby owlets were found in the campus. They were so young and weak when found. Sadly one of…
Pongamia pinnata – K’sirs Tree Talk
Pongamia pinnata, commonly known as Indian beech or “Pungai maram” in Tamil, is native to the regions of tropical Asia and Australia. This fast growing deciduous tree can grow upto…
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic
There I was standing, Majestically tall and proud, Like the oak I have always been, That eve in the park. Breeze visited me, Rustling my leaves with a message, Thanatos…
Indian Peafowl
Indian Peacock, also known as Indian Peafowl, was declared the national bird of India in 1963. Peacock, one of the most attractive birds, is commonly found in various parts of…
Peltophorum pterocarpum – K’sirs Tree Talk
Standing upright along the lanes of the K’sirs campus, with dense, spreading crowns, are the semi-evergreen, yellow flame trees. With dark green, feathery, mimosa-like leaflets and a blanket of bright…
Impressionism – an art movement
Before we look at whether impressionism is well-known or if it plays an essential role in global culture, let's see what it is. Impressionism is an art movement that began…
Asian koel
Asian Koel is a large and long tailed cuckoo about 39 to 46 cm and weighs 190 to 327g. The male of the nominate race is glossy bluish -black with…